Research Areas
The Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering offers five areas of specialized research:

Biomolecular Engineering
The advent of molecular biology, genomics, proteomics, and related technology has spawned a revolution in biology and offers numerous opportunities for new commercial developments. Biomolecular Engineering

Complex Fluids and Polymers
Understanding the structure, rheology, interfacial and transport behaviors of complex fluids and polymers is among the foremost challenges of chemical engineering science. Complex Fluids and Polymers

Computational Science and Engineering
Applications include computational and systems biology, energy materials, energy transformations and energy systems engineering, complex fluid modeling of colloids and gels, nanoparticle flows, electrospinning fibers, electronic materials design and properties. Computational Science and Engineering

Nanoscale Electronics, Photonics and Materials Processing
Chemical engineers adopted an approach to problem solving, applying their specialized knowledge in chemistry, kinetics, transport phenomena, reactor design and thermodynamics. Nanoscale Electronics, Photonics and Materials Processing

Sustainable Energy Systems
Growth in world population and continual improvements in living standards in developing countries will increase demands for energy in the next 40 years, posing tremendous challenges for providing affordable energy. Sustainable Energy Systems

Engineering Education
Engineering education combines engineering contexts and education research to create new knowledge to understand and improve the development of engineers from P-12 through professional engineers. Engineering Education