Prof. Fengqi You recently co-authored paper published in Science

Until renewable sources of energy like wind or solar become more reliable and less expensive, people worldwide remain reliant on fossil fuels for transportation and energy. This means that if people want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there need to be better ways of mitigating the effects of extracting and burning oil and gas.

Emissions associated with oil and gas production are a significant source of greenhouse gases. A new analysis ranks countries by emission levels and identifies the major sources of emissions, a first step toward policy to regulate oil and gas production practices.

Now, Adam Brandt, assistant professor of energy resources engineering in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences at Stanford, and his colleagues including CBE Professor Fengqi You, have performed a first global analysis comparing emissions associated with oil production techniques -- a step toward developing policies that could reduce those emissions. They published their work Aug. 30 in Science.

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