The first indisputable spectroscopic evidence of the presence of the molecule (vinyl chloride) on Titan

James Stevenson of the Clancy Research Group, originally identified this as a potential cell membrane on Titan in the Stevenson, Lunine, Clancy paper on azotosomes

Appearing in Science Advances is a paper published by Maureen Palmer et al., that provides the first indisputable spectroscopic evidence of the presence of the molecule (vinyl chloride) on Titan.

James Stevenson of the Clancy Research Group, originally identified this as a potential cell membrane on Titan in the Stevenson, Lunine, Clancy paper on azotosomes. To read the paper entitled Membrane alternatives in worlds without oxygen: Creation of an azotosome, please visit:

According to Professor Clancy, "They used the AMPA Science Archive to estimate that there will be sufficient dissolved vinyl cyanide in the Titan seas to form ten million azotosome membranes per cm**3! Validation!"

To read the Palmer paper published in Science Advances, please visit: 

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