CESI Seminar Series: Emily Carr, ICF
Thurston 203
The Process and Impacts of Local Climate Action Planning
Local governments across the country are taking climate change mitigation into their own hands by developing climate action plans. Climate action plans help communities take inventory of their current greenhouse gas emissions, establish greenhouse gas reduction targets, and lay out pathways to achieve those targets. They serve as a roadmap that can help guide a community’s future planning and frame decision making from a decarbonization perspective. This presentation will discuss the modeling and stakeholder engagement involved in the climate action planning process, and the impacts a local climate action plan can have through a case study. It will also discuss funding and prospects for this type of work in the future.
Emily Carr is a climate change and sustainability analyst at ICF. She works with state and local governments to develop climate action plans, modeling the impacts of various greenhouse gas reduction strategies. She also researches and analyzes decarbonization strategies for a variety of other public, private, and nonprofit clients. She has a BS in mechanical engineering from Cornell with a minor in environmental and sustainability sciences, and an MS in civil & environmental engineering from UC Berkeley with a concentration in energy, civil infrastructure, and climate.
Taylor Parente - tep59@cornell.edu